lørdag 11. september 2010

Why penguins are awesome

Why penguins are awesome:

  • They are the south pole's «men in black» . They are protecting their race from aliens.
    (there so corn cycles on the south pole, because the aliens are afraid of the penguins)

  • They are always dressed for party. Penguins love to party, specially iceparty.

  • They never get cold feet, no matter how cold it is.

  • They can walk, swim and fly. (It's quite obvious that they can fly, but keep it as a secret for us humans and seals. The seals are good friends of these awesome animals, so they don't want them to get jealous.

  • They live in one of the coldest countries in the world. But they never go on holiday.

  • There are penguins who don't like the cold, they live in the southern part of the other continents. They can usually be found swimming on the beach or drinking a cocktail in a nightbar.

  • They are one of the heaviest bird in the world.

  • They only eat sushi.

  • They are of the cutesiest animals in the world

  • They are very funny, and excellent comedians.

  • Have you seen “Happy Feet”?, it a documentary which shows that they are born as rockstars and rappers.

It there somebody who disagree or got some more reasons?  
Other awesome animals, I'll  make a list!

1 kommentar:

Pinkyx sa...

I love the penguins! :D

i wanna see snowmen and wolf's too! :D