tirsdag 21. september 2010

World Of Warcraft photos

Here is some random/funny and awesome photos from WOW. And for those who doesn't play: You should play. (And yeah, I know it's a bit geek xD)

This is my Legolas. I've always thought that the bloodelfs males look gay, and this is no exception.

Have you ever seen a drunk bunny before? Well, know you have.

                                                             I love this picture



                                                               Awesome dragon

                                                             How to describe this?


                                                               The Leach King

I may take an other slide show, when I find/get some other photos. But you all have to agree ( even though you don't play) that the pictures are awesome!

mandag 20. september 2010

How other countries sees the world

Here is some suggestions I found on the internett. How other countries sees the world. I am sorry to say it, but I think it feets quite right with America, they aren't know to be genious in geographie.

                                                                    I'm not sure on this one

torsdag 16. september 2010

The Yellow Birds

This post is for to honour yellow birds. There are many yellow birds in the world, like Canaries, Great Tit and (Easter) chickens. You can see these birds anywhere, they are pretty and cheer you up with a nice song. You may think they are harmless, but you are so wrong. The colour yellow signifies that they are secret agents of the CIA. They get special education in the high mountains of Denmark. Here they learn thing to the perfection. For example, knitting, biking and diving.
They mostly concentrate on quests about runaway gnomes, which is a high threat for the society.
Usually, these birds attacks in group, but for those which is special trained during their special education, can go solo. The task for the macho birds which goes solo is to sample corn and wheat, for the doom of the world. (As we all know, this will happen soon, in 2012)
So now you'll may understand that's more to the yellow birds than eyes can see. They can be dangerous if you are a ginger, but they are very important for the survival of the earth

This folks, is what we do when we are bored in the English class.

The Yellow Birds

Yellow Birds are Secrets Agents

This post is for to honour yellow birds. There are many yellow birds in the world, like Canaries, Great Tit and (Easter) chickens. You can see these birds anywhere, they are pretty and cheer you up with a nice song. You may think they are harmless, but you are so wrong. The colour yellow signifies that they are secret agents of the CIA. They get special education in the high mountains of Denmark. Here they learn thing to the perfection. For example, knitting, biking and diving.
They mostly concentrate on quests about runaway gnomes, which is a high threat for the society.
Usually, these birds attacks in group, but for those which is special trained during their special education, can go solo. The task for the macho birds which goes solo is to sample corn and wheat, for the doom of the world. (As we all know, this will happen soon, in 2012)
So now you'll may understand that's more to the yellow birds than eyes can see. They can be dangerous if you are a ginger, but they are very important for the survival of the earth.

tirsdag 14. september 2010

Top 3 Annoying Video List

This is a warning, some of these, are very annoying. 

  1. The Annoying Orange what else? He's so annoying that I almost didn't bother to finish the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7F5nIA8xmw                                                                                                            
  2. Charlie the Unicorn,it's not poor charlie which is annoying, is his "friends" from hell. Next time you see a pink and a blu unicorn: Run!    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5im0Ssyyus
  3. The Nom Nom song. It can be very funny on a suckerkick or with to little sleep, but not so funny the day after and you can't get it out of your head.    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6U5W3pavJY
I am not really finish with this list, bur you can come up with some suggestions:)

søndag 12. september 2010

Lord of The Rings in World Of Warcraft

Lord of The Rings in World of Warcraft

A discussion between me and a friend, while watching The fellowship of the ring.
  • Gandalv
    - Mage level 80
  • Frodo
    - Rouge level 1-fellow quest and agrospunch
  • Sam
    - Level 5 mage, he can only conjure food.
  • Merry
    - Level 20 warrior.
  • Pippin
    - His like a pet on aggressive.
  • Aragon
    - He is a warrior level 70.
  • Legolas
    - Hunter level 70.
  • Gimli
    - Warrior level 60
  • Boromir
    - His either a paladin or a warrior level 60.

lørdag 11. september 2010

Why penguins are awesome

Why penguins are awesome:

  • They are the south pole's «men in black» . They are protecting their race from aliens.
    (there so corn cycles on the south pole, because the aliens are afraid of the penguins)

  • They are always dressed for party. Penguins love to party, specially iceparty.

  • They never get cold feet, no matter how cold it is.

  • They can walk, swim and fly. (It's quite obvious that they can fly, but keep it as a secret for us humans and seals. The seals are good friends of these awesome animals, so they don't want them to get jealous.

  • They live in one of the coldest countries in the world. But they never go on holiday.

  • There are penguins who don't like the cold, they live in the southern part of the other continents. They can usually be found swimming on the beach or drinking a cocktail in a nightbar.

  • They are one of the heaviest bird in the world.

  • They only eat sushi.

  • They are of the cutesiest animals in the world

  • They are very funny, and excellent comedians.

  • Have you seen “Happy Feet”?, it a documentary which shows that they are born as rockstars and rappers.

It there somebody who disagree or got some more reasons?  
Other awesome animals, I'll  make a list!

fredag 10. september 2010

Welcome to my random blog

Hello, and welcome to my random blog!
I wanted to create a blog, where I could place videos, photos, thoughts, textes etc. Mostly of these things, are things which I find on the internet, other are just things I just have made or thought about. 
I don't really know how  to blog, but I think this would be fun, at least I'll have fun. while writing it. 

I am a girl from Norway, and I will write in English, so everybody can understand, but since it not my mother language, I will have some writing mistakes, so you are prepared. 

Yeah, I guess that was everything. Then let the blogging begin!